
Archive for April, 2014

 by Aymon L., 7th Grade 

File:Bully Free Zone.jpg

Photo Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

Bullying is a  major issue around the world. This crime is committed at almost every school in the United States. According to www.dosomething.org “Over 3.2 million students are victims of bullying each year.” This means that over 8,770 schoolchildren on average are bullied in a day. If you bully and you think you are just joking you’re part of something big, much bigger than you. 

        Many kids in their lifetime have been the target of bullying. When I asked them, an anonymous source said that they had been bullied and that he was “in the bathroom, and these two guys cornered me and took turns punching me” the source also said that when he was in elementary school “it [bullying] was not dealt with accordingly” and should be stopped in it’s tracks here at Parker. If this bullying continues, the amount of suicides each year in the US, potentially, could start to skyrocket. That is truly scary to lots of people. Parker is a very nice school and if we make it a safer environment where people feel they can openly express themselves then people will want to go to school as well. 

        If you are being bullied just know that you are not alone. Many people may have said this to you in your lifetime but it is still true. If you are being bullied it “should be reported to the administration or teacher as soon as possible” as stated by the Parker Middle School Handbook. Or if you feel confident enough even confront the bully that has been troubling you. Also you can anonymously submit a report at http://reading.k12.ma.us/Bullying/BullyingReport.htm Again please don’t feel like your alone. You have an army surrounding you. Bullies please know that we are going to get you and bullying will be stopped.

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